Words That Just Might Change. Your. Life.

Words are powerful.

Words can cut into the soul.

Words can heal a wounded soul.

Words can leave scars, and words can soothe.

Words can encourage and build up.

But words can also deflate and destroy.

Embarking on this new year, there are words from God's Word we need to hear afresh, soak up, and allow to seep into the depths of our souls.

I'm on a hunt for 52 words to invade my way of thinking and understanding of who God is. Words to twist and turn my life into a brighter reflection of the Son through the power of His Holy Spirit.

Care to join me?

I love words. (Sure. Go ahead. Call me a nerd. I don't mind.) Scrabble is one of my favorite board games to take to the beach. At home, I can only get my husband to play. Over Christmas, I bought a new word game called Bananagrams. It's a lot like Scrabble, but you don't use a board. It's more of a build-your-own crossword game with Scrabble-like tiles. I can't wait to play it.

Crafting words together brings me much pleasure. Whether choosing words to write for a magazine article, a blog post, or a message to speak at a women's event, the art of putting words together touches something deep down inside of me.

Over the Christmas holidays I was searching the book shelves for a new devotional book to begin in 2017. Nothing seemed to jump out at me. Either I had already read it, or it just didn't pique my interest. Nothing against the authors on the book spines. I just wasn't "feeling" any of the titles.

Usually when this happens, I get a nudge. And deep in my soul the Spirit whispers,

"Write your own. You can do it.
 I've taught you many things, 
and I want to teach you more to share with others. 
Go on. Write one." 

So, dear friends, I'm doing it. This is the year to write my own devotional book. I hope you'll enjoy this journey of Word-walking with the Lord, listening to His voice as He pours into us the words He wants to write on our hearts.

The very words that just might...
change. our. lives.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

My Pleasure,


  1. Melanie, I love words too. I love to learn synonyms. I do word studies in the Bible. I've found many treasures. My word for this year is excellence. I desire to be excellent in all I do, not perfect, excellent. I desire to give 100 percent in all I do. I tend to be lazy. I look forward to your word study.

  2. Thanks, Cherrilynn! It's great to hear from another word nerd. It's also wonderful to know God is pouring His Word into us daily to live a more excellent way. Blessings!

  3. May God bless your devotional writing! Can't wait to hear more about it.

    1. Thanks, Katy. You are such a powerful encourager to me and to so many other writers. God bless you!


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