27 Years and Counting!

I couldn't let this day pass without posting one more thought. 

Rick and I have been married for 27 years today!  Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart!  I am more in love with you today than I was the day we said, "I do."  I didn't think it was possible, but I do.  I really do! 

I married a wonderful man, and to see how wonderful, hop on over to my former blog where I wrote a whole post on "The Man I Married".  (www.melanie-livingreal.blogspot.com) 

This is a special anniversary message to my husband. "You're Still the One"

Sweetheart, you are.....

A- admirable                                                                 

B- my Best friend

C- Christlike

D- disciplined

E- energetic

F- faithful

G- a GENIUS! (That's how he describes himself :)

H- handsome


J- jolly

K- kind

L- a good listener

M- a man after God's own  heart                                                           

N- noble

Oan optimist- NOT!

P- patient

Q- quite cute

R- real

S- selfless  (I really wanted to say "sexy". Sorry, Honey, but you are!)

T- trustworthy                                                                   

U- understanding

V- vibrant smile

W- wonderful


Y- his "YES" is "yes", and his "no" is "no

Z- zealous for God

I love you, Sweetheart!  And it's....

My Pleasure,
