My favorite season begins today! A hint of fall slips in with a little nip in the air, lower temps and much lower humidity. Love it! I breathe a little deeper as the breeze whispers, "Change is on the way."
Our family is experiencing a different kind of change these days as we take care of an aging parent, again. Fall 2015 marks a new season for us. A season that has blown in fast and furious; definitely not with a whisper.
It's our season of making some tough choices, caring for someone who has lived their life caring for us, and deciding how to best do that with honor and dignity.
I've watched the love of my life tend to his mother with the utmost care and concern over the last two weeks. It's hard because he's with her all of the time, and when I relieve him he just goes home for a few hours and is back again seeing that her needs are being met the best way he knows how.
He is a beautiful picture of Christlikeness serving his mom with humility, honor, a deep love, and a tender heart.
God continues to show me why He chose Rick for me to marry, and my love for him continues to grow deeper every single day. Through his love, tenderness, goodness, patience, kindness, and mercy, he leads our family well. It's an incredible honor to be his wife and the mother of our children. Watching my husband serve his mom has been exhausting but such a pleasure. He truly lives what he teaches, and God will honor his obedience.
My Pleasure,
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